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Bestseller Box

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Discover our six best-selling cupcakes, each one a delightful treat! Enjoy Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting, Rich Chocolate Fudge, and the Collectible Cookies and Cream Fadritos. Cheers to Irresistible Salted Caramel with a perfect balance of sweet and salty, Elegant Vanilla Red Rose with Buttercream, and our surprise, with a new flavan every week. Perfect for parties or gifts, our cupcakes are baked fresh daily.

¡Descubre nuestros seis cupcakes más vendido, cada uno es un placer encantador! Disfrute del terciopelo rojo con glaseado de queso crema, rico chocolate de chocolate y las galletas y la crema de fadritos de colección. Saludos El caramelo salado irresistible con un equilibrio perfecto de dulce y salado, la elegante rosa roja de vainilla con crema de mantequilla y nuestra sorpresa, con un nuevo flavan cada semana. Perfecto para fiestas o regalos, nuestros cupcakes se hornean frescos diariamente.
Discover our six best-selling cupcakes, each a delightful treat! Indulge in Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting, rich Chocolate Chocolate, and the crowd-favorite Cookies and Cream. Savor the irresistible Salted Caramel with a perfect balance of sweet and salty, the elegant Vanilla Red Rose with buttercream, and our Surprise Cupcake, featuring a new flavor each week! Perfect for parties or gifting, our cupcakes are baked fresh daily.
Descobreix les nostres sis magdalenes més venudes, cadascuna un deliciós regal! Gaudeix de vellut vermell amb gelat de formatge crema, xocolata rica i galetes i crema preferides per la gent. Assaboreix l’irresistible caramel salat amb un perfecte equilibri de dolços i salats, l’elegant rosa de vainilla vermella amb buttercream i la nostra magdalena sorpresa, amb un nou sabor cada setmana! Perfecte per a festes o regals, les nostres magdalenes es cuinen cada dia.

Ways to get La Cava Cakery

We make it easy for you to get La Cava Cakery’s best. Order now for same-day delivery anywhere in Barcelona, place an order to pickup at our local shop, or come visit us and enjoy a quiet time with our Cupcakes and Cava.

  • Local Delivery

    Same-day delivery available anywhere in Barcelona.

  • In Store Pick Up

    Order online and pick up in-store.

  • Come Visit Us

    Just 750 meters away from the Sagrada Familia basilica.

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